Making Inds Meet
Are you an independent recording artist seeking to expand your audience and earnings? “Inds” is my shorthand term for “independent artists” working in the performing and visual arts. In addition to the Washentree store for my work, Washentree provides a directory of links under the heading “Connect to Other Independents” so that fellow music and art enthusiasts can more conveniently peruse your work as well.
Visitors can link directly to your independent website store and shop for your music and merch. Only works that are interesting, provocative, of the highest quality, and appealing to our higher nature will be considered for If your work is in harmony with these ideals please apply in the form below to have a link posted.
In the message box, type in the specific link you would like for us to post at Connect to Other Independents and please leave a description of the type of art and or music you are making. Click the submit button when you are done. There is no cost or financial obligation to share your link at Washentree, but a small purchase or donation would be very much appreciated!
Thanks for showing an interest in supporting independent artists.
- Lenny